1,500 mcg per 1/3 fl.oz. spray bottle for only $19.95!
***This is a special trial offering of our 4,500 mcg per oz strength formula, in an alcohol-based spray. (Price $74.95 per ounce - a 20% Discount!)
Alpha-Androstenol is an attraction and THE mood elevating pheromone, said to create a friendly approachable impression, and can make the wearer seem less intimidating and more approachable. Encourages empathy and romantic feelings, creates an aura of youth and health, an impression of reproductive fitness, increases chattiness and friendliness from both sexes. May be worn by both women and men.
Alpha-Androstenol is produced naturally by both women & men in the area of the armpit. It's a mood elevating pheromone that when dispersed can spread a "good mood" throughout a crowd. It is likely that the compulsion for humans to lift their arms up and wave them in the air when having a good time is a biological mechanism for spreading Alpha-Androstenol, therefore, sharing a feeling of elation.
Used in high concentration, Alpha-Androstenol is said to create a slight feeling of "drunkenness", and may increase the effect of alcohol consumption on the wearer. In some people, exposure to high concentration can cause headache. For most people, it's a popularity magnet and helps lend a good time "party" atmosphere.
This is an UNscented product.
UNscented Alpha-Androstenol in a base of perfumer's alcohol in a tall plastic spray bottle.
* Ingredients: SD40B Alcohol, Alpha-Androstenol.
Ingredients: SD40B alcohol, Pheromones.
UNscented Pheromones FYI: Unscented does not mean odor-free! They do indeed have an odor, some are light, some are stronger, and thus should ALWAYS be worn along with fragrance of your choice. You can add a few drops directly to your perfume bottle or layer them on your skin...a drop of phero oil first, then a dab of your perfume on top.
We offer a quantity discount. Use code LPMPADDICT at checkout and receive 10% off any order over $50.00.